Thursday 11 April 2019

Our first talk on October's last sunday,

we are damn sure im in our minds gonna forever stay..

The way he has given me advice,

the way he made me laugh more than twice..

Its hard to believe but I have to accept

Someone just in first talk gained my respect..

He do his every work with utmost passion,

he is totally nerd yet he has sense of fashion..

No one is perfect still unable to find fault,

I think I never gonna get any chance to revoult..

Its hard to believe but I have to accept

Someone just in first talk gained my respect..

I don't know about his every ups and down,

he told me about the girl he has given his crown.

Also that he can't love again,

this shows his heart is how much plain...

Its hard to believe but I have to accept

Someone just in first talk gained my respect..

-A wellwisher


There are so many things
which keep on going in my mind..
There are so many ways in front of me
from which the best I'll have to find..
There are so many opportunities calling me..
saying don't miss..
don't be blind...
There are so many broken threads in my relations
which I'll have to bind...
there are so many people... situations... to tell you..
to tell you how hard they were
which I have finally begin to drop behind...
there are so many poems to write because my life in just one..
can't be defined.....


झूठ को पर्दे ओढ़ाकर शान से खड़ी की सबने सच्चाई है
फिर उसी झूठ के खिलाफ ये जाने कैसी लड़ाई है
मन में सबके एक आक्रोश है, दिल हो गया बेहोश है
फिर उसी झूठ के खिलाफ ये जाने कैसी लड़ाई है
न सूरज उगने का उत्साह है न अस्त होने पर मन निराश है
जिसके होने की खुशी भी नही, उसके होने की सबको आस है
कुछ सैनिक बूढ़े थे वो भी थक चुके से है
कुछ लड़ रहे बेचारे लग रहे मन से रुक चुके से है
कुछ में हिम्मत की बूँदे बाकी है
वही देख सबमें विजय की आस फिर झाँकी है
झूठ को पर्दे ओढ़ाकर शान से खड़ी की सबने सच्चाई है
फिर उसी झूठ के खिलाफ ये जाने कैसी लड़ाई है

-A wellwisher

Poem for me

What is a poem for me ?
It's not a group of lines to write and read
It's not an addiction which in every ups and down I need
It's not something which I write to get appreciations
Cause it just come direct from my heart without any kind of filtration
Sometimes it comes on paper from inside when I am going through some emotions
Sometimes it goes in my heart from outside when I have to deal with those emotions
Sometimes it refuses to rhyme when I force myself to create it
Sometimes it reminds me that it knows my depth of love
I'll never need to narrate it

-A wellwisher